Taijiquan und Qigong


The Voice of my Students

Is there a better way than to publish the opinions of my Taiji pupils in their own words in order to give an impression, how is at Here & Now, and how they assess the Tai Chi Chuan according to Grandmaster William C. C. Chen? We have the permission to provide the e-mail addresses. Further reviews are shown only on



“…Taiji and Qigong are a great thing to learn. And also very healthy for your body and mind. It is really hard to stay in the “here & now” and be totally concentrated in every movement of your body. You can literally feel your blood flowing through your body during certain exercises.”
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“…gute Übungen um mal wieder mit seinem Körper in Kontakt zu kommen, ruhig und gelassen zu werden. Das Taiji war dann eher etwas fordender, denn die Übungen werden nicht wie im Qigong mehrmals wiederholt, sondern fließen von einer Bewegung in die andere. Wenn man dann mal ein wenig Gefühl für das ganze entwickelt hat, geht’s auch ab. Aber bis dahin braucht es ein wenig, zum Glück ist Martin aber ein guter, geduldiger und humorvoller Lehrer…”
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Nicole und Günther


“…habe vor mehreren Jahren längere Zeit die 24er Pekingform gelernt und praktiziert, hatte also schon ein wenig Erfahrung, im Gegensatz zu Nicole, die gänzlich Neuling war. Wir beide waren überrascht und begeistert, wie einfach und natürlich Martin uns die Grundlagen des Tai Chi Chuan von William C. C. Chen vermittelte, welches sich durch kleine, kompakte…”
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…I practiced Tai Chi Chuan before and I wanted to continue the Yang-style. Little did I know that the style which Martin teaches, the William C. C. Chen style, is somewhat – different than I practiced last. But ‘wow’, it felt great! This made me decide I wanted to learn the complete short-form…”
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“…and I met Martin in person. He introduced me to the short and long form Tai Chi Chuan, created by grand-master William C. C. Chen, and that’s how I became Martins student. Since then I’ve been going back year by year to study with him to improve the form and get more valuable instructions. Martin is a great “master teacher”, devoted to his …”
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“…he takes his teaching seriously but with humour and he can explain to you the application in real combat of any movement contained in the form, that way the movements make actual sense and the energetic benefits (Chi) are fully unfolded. For me Taiji has been part of a life changing experience together with Yoga, … I feel much more present and alive…”
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